Bridging the gap between The Artist’s body & their body of work.


“When you are grounded,

so is your art”

As an artist you have the important calling of being a reflection of humanity. Whether you are an actor, a dancer, a musician, a painter or any other medium, you are a keeper of history. People watch, read, listen, and enjoy life all to the soundtrack of your work.

You are taking care of everyone else, but who takes care of you?

Providing Customized Yoga Programs for:

Wonderful Humans | Artists | Wellness in the Workplace | Academic Organizations


Getting to know your instrument from the inside out


That’s where I come in!

Your body is your instrument & without it your art doesn’t work. Your physical body is a direct reflection of your emotional & spiritual bodies. Whether you are writing a song, bringing a character to life or creating choreography, Yoga Artistry will guide you through exploration from the inside out to help you

  • foster a strong relationship with your inner-voice

  • master compassion

  • increase endurance & stamina

  • gain & maintain physical/emotional body awareness so you can work your art through your body

An artist is not only what you are, but it is WHO you are. The two can’t be separated, it is how you navigate life. When you are better your art is better. When your art is authentic & true you leave a lasting impact on the world.

Not sure about?

Let’s chat about it. .

No pressure, no obligation, we’re just checking each other out.